Monday, August 15, 2011

Pierce the Veil!

I have been participating in a wonderful Discussion Board on helping Catholic Youth understand the New Translation of the Mass that is coming later in the Fall. This is a closing thought that I shared with the group...

Our young people are being called FROM where they are; that is, their starting points vary, but all lead to the same joy and Truth in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Welcoming them into this journey, at whatever starting point they might be coming from, keeps them closer to the Church, calling us to be patient, and hopeful. I've heard it said that "no matter their tattoos, or dress, or opinions [at this point in their journey], as long as they are sharing those things HERE, in the Church, we have a better chance at putting them in a position to experience the Spirit, and begin their personal relationship with Christ. With that said, the rules, the gestures , the real expectations of what it means to mature in life and in faith are certainly crucial in our mentoring these youth to progress and move forward!

Now, with respect to the liturgy and the New Translation o
f the Mass, where are they headed? Why is it worth the effort? I asked my own Spiritual Director a very specific and pointed question this weekend. "Why do we go to Mass? Is it to receive the Eucharist, or hear the Word, or offer God our prayers and worship?" I expected an answer like "All of the above!" But what he said was, "We go to Mass to participate in the sacrifice given to us by our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pierce the veil that seperates time, heaven and earth, and we share in the love of God!" He went on to add that in the Mass, "when that veil is pierced, it is not Christ who comes to us, but it is we who are invited and able to come to Him!"

In the spirit of this past Sunday's readings, and with respect to what it is that we YM's do so well, we need to keep inviting young people to "come and see", knowing that where they are going, God's love is there to greet them! So be it Youth Group, or Bible Study, or retreats, or in this case Mass... Let us lead them to the sacrifice and the celebration of the love of God that is the Body of Christ. Remember to stay relaxed, for we are trying our best to attach words and gestures to that which we can never comprehend, but through our faith we can always attain.

I have enjoyed presenting, reading and participating in this experience with you, and I again thank Charlotte and Leigh and MTS for ALL of their amazing efforts and strength in bringing you this opportunity, because that is exactly what it is; an opportunity to come to a fuller understanding of what it is that Christ has in store for US! God bless you all, and good luck in your ministry this coming season. I look forward to our continued worship together, as the "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church" celebrates the love of God, yet again, at a Mass near you!

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