Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fix Yourself!

Today, I am experimenting with the possibility that it just might be OK for a guy to sit in the back pew of his Day Chapel and share a few thoughts, all in the real presence of Christ, and the virtual presence of you, my wonderful friends!

From Deuteronomy 4:39-40a... "Know, and fix in your heart, that the Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other. You must keep his statutes and commandments which I enjoin on you today."

I sit here in the back pew of my parish Day Chapel, and pray from time to time. Actually I should be able to say that I pray here all the time, but I'm working on that one. Anyway, today I am interested in the word "FIX" a
s offered in the reading above, as it seems to ask me to keep my focus on God, who is everything, and is always here, even when I am not in the back pew.

It would seem very probable that to focus in such a way would offer me an opportunity to not only FIX my heart on God, but also FIX my heart as well. Staying close to one's faith can never hurt, and if we are believers in this God of ours, then we know that there is always a benefit, even when their doesn't seem to be one.

God is, and always will be love; and through love all things are conquered, or better yet, made whole. To fix my life ON God, allows my life to be fixed in a way that brings me closer TO God, hence becoming whole, or "not broken". So, let is be written (and it already was)-let it be so... Fix your heart on God the Father, Christ, His only Son, and the power of the Holy Spirit, and maybe, just maybe you can fix yourself!

BTW... Good luck with that, for it's really easy for a guy in the back pew to say such things, when you are the one that has to live it out. I am praying for you... Peace be with you!

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