Saturday, April 20, 2024

Easter 2024: Week Three

Happy Easter Day #15: Countenance*
“Peace be with you.” (Luke 24:36)

Whether it’s with a smile from a loved one, or on the breeze of a beautiful Spring day, the Lord visits us in so many ways to reassure us with his presence, offering the promise that all shall be well!

“O LORD, let the light of your countenance* shine upon us! You put gladness into my heart.” (Psalm 4: 7-8)

*coun·te·nance (noun) - a person's face or facial expression. "his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away" (Oxford)

Happy Easter Day #16: Creation!

In the beginning there was nothing, and then there was more than could fill an eternity! “God looked at everything [that was] made, and found it very good…” (Genesis 1:31)

*The God of Creation has given us all of this so that we might know its beauty. 

*The God of Creation breathed life into us so that we might share in its joy.

*The God of Creation gave us the Spirit so that we might be strong enough to be all that we’re meant to be in serving all who need that joy.

All of this, because the God of Creation loves YOU very much!

“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it and be glad!” (Psalm 118:24)

“Lord of all creation
Lord of water, earth and sky
The heavens are your Tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high
And God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy
Lord of heaven and earth…”
(God of Wonders - Hindalong/Byrd)

Happy Easter Day #17: Dedication!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

Short and simple today… You’ve been dedicated to live this life and have been given a place to do so. Dedicate yourself to the One who has given you all that you have, and dedicate your life to serving this place you call home!

Happy Easter Day #18: Discipleship!

Don’t just be one, help make a few!

Hint: The Apostles were challenged to “make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) They did so by sharing, caring, healing and giving their all for the ones they served!

Happy Easter Day #19: Élan!

In my work, a young person recently asked me a great question: “Why do you all help people?”

What a great question… Why do you?

Is it because of fear, or vain expectation?
Is it because of obligation, or self help routine?
Is it because of opportunity, or notoriety?

No. I would content that at our essence, we the community, both church and secular alike, help because it is what community does. We help because our hearts are prone to do so. We naturally reach back to pull forward those who need an extra hand… It’s what we do!

In the Church’s beginning, the Acts of the Apostles describes us as being together and of “one accord.” (Acts 2:1) We were, and still are a people that serve with something extra, called to offer a helping hand with great élan; that is with a vigorous spirit and enthusiasm.

Have a great day!

Oxford Dictionary:
É·lan (noun) - energy, style, and enthusiasm.
"a rousing march, played with great elan"

Happy Easter Day #20: Elevate!

Wherever you’ve been and however long it has taken, the Lord has come to help you up, bringing you the healing, hope and purpose that you’ve been waiting for…

So “rise, take up your mat, and walk! (John 5:6) “Stand up and tell them all that I command you,” (Jeremiah 1:17) for “they that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

If you want to know about someone else who got knocked down and then got up again, read the story of St. Paul’s Conversion (Acts 9: 1-20)

Happy Easter Day #21: Endurance!

Thanks to Stacy and my friends with Ainsley's Angels in Alabama I have been privileged to roll through a handful of races in my day. Whether you run, roll or not, we’ve all experienced the need to face the challenges of life, and therefore all grasp an understanding and a feeling of determination to do our best and run a good race! Here are a few bits of advice to help you in your next workout.

1. Make sure that you’re running in the right direction and in the way of God’s commandments, for the Lord will broaden your heart. (cf. Psalm 119:32)

2. Set goals and achieve milestones along the way, for these great and small victories in life will make the difference in the end! “Run so as to win.” (1 Corinthians 9:24)

3. Endure, for “the one who perseveres to the end will be saved,” (Matthew 24:13) and be able say as St. Paul did, “I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

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