Wednesday, March 9, 2016

An Open Update to All the Hip-sters... Yep, Even YOU!

My Dream Setting for a Good Hip-ster's Recovery

Welcome to latest "GregCast Hip-ster Update"... For those who care, here is a little summary of life following Hip Replacement Surgery, during Lent of 2016.

As promised, March roars in like a lion and I continue to heal, but not quite at the same pace as the oncoming late-winter/pre-spring winds.  If you're familiar with the phrase, "It's like watching paint dry," then you know what it's like.

Here's the deal in this, the third week... The incision is healed, the new hip feels great, and the pain is virtually gone.  I'm eating well, sleeping well, and ready to jump back into the wonderful world of the new and improved hipsters.  There's only one hurdle left to clear... Letting that bone graft heal up.  As I mentioned in the previous Hipster Update, they had to do a little bone grafting to help place the new hip correctly.  My Q&A on the matter has revealed that when the grafts are placed, they need to assimilate into the area of original bone and become the solid mass that is bone.  My Physical Therapist explained it this way: If you break your arm, you're in a cast for six weeks.  That's right... It takes six weeks for bone to grow back together and become solid again.  Yesterday was the beginning of week three.  Before I can begin the next round of PT that involves regaining full weight capability on my hip, I have to wait for the graft and the bone around it to become solid again... So you see, it is similar to watching paint dry, except it's bone, which you can't really watch, so sitting and some basic leg and muscle strengthening exercises and short walks around the house are all I've got right now.

This of course is where a blogger like me begins to weave a Lenten message, for a hipster's life interrupted by something like a hip replacement has some spiritual connection... Right?  I will not be trite and make analogies involving concepts such as bone grafting, artificial body parts, or even following the orders of the almighty health care professional.  Instead, I'll just embrace the simple concept of patience, noticing that I am blessed with a lot of love around me and a perfect place to just chill and heal.  And if there is a message, it's this: Even though we lie in wait, God knows the value of the journey, and the greatness of the moment when we finally arrive at our destination.  In the meantime, let me get back to watching bone graft heal!

Next Week... The Hipster goes back to the doctor!

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