Friday, February 15, 2013

It's Time for Square Fish Again!

An Opening GregNote: Today's GregBlog is a growing train of thought on the nature of fasting during Lent. Check back often to see the Blog grow, and feel free to share a quick thought or two of your own. It's like one of those group written stories, where we pass the piece of paper around the group, each person adding their own new details... Have fun, and let's see what this fasting thing is all about!

Today's Readings

"This, rather, is the fasting that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; Setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own." Isaiah 58: 6-7

Why do we Catholics eat square fish on a bun on Fridays during Lent?

Some random thoughts during this First Friday of Lent, 2013.

  • Disclaimer: The term "square fish on a bun" was inspired by the highly educated Deacon, and my friend, Dan who asked the question: "When does Lent officially begin?"  The answer: "At the imposition of ashes and your ordering your first McDonald's fish sandwich." The term "square" of course refers to the rare cod fish that migrates this way every February, and is caught, fried and served with great care! :)
  • I got a Facebook post the other day from someone quoting a sign in our local Walmart: "Seafood for Lent!" 
  • My Pastor always says this time of year that we kinda miss the point when we give up our double cheeseburgers on Friday, only to order Lobster instead. 
  • If He can give me so much, the least I can do is avoid those things that get in the way of me giving back! 
  • Let us consider that giving up vices might be more productive than giving up meat. (cf. St. Basil the Great's Homily on Fasting
  • When you meet those who are in need of clothing, do not turn away from them, for they are your brothers. Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your good deeds shall go before you. (From The Office Morning Prayer 2-15-13)
  • I do, cause I like to eat the crunchy corners off first! However, THIS LENT, I will be eating just the fish. Gave up bread! (From Laurie on FB) 
  • Because it fits! (From Alice on FB)
  • Because you aren't supposed to eat meat… Cause it's good… Ewwwww… Because Catholics like squares. (?)… Par ce que les Catholiques ne mangent pas du viande les vendredi's pendant le careme. (from Karen’s class at Notre Dame Collegiate HS in Calgary, AB Canada)
  • For the same reason that we Roll Up the Rim during Lent. A surprising number of fast food chains cater to Catholics. (Roll up the Rim is put on by Tim Horton's - it's irresistible, and likely intended to keep Catholics drinking coffee throughout Lent, rather than giving it up.) Note: Tim Horton's is Canada's most beloved cup of coffee, not that SB stuff! (From Ryan on FB)
A Closing GregNote: The original intent of the GregBlog today was to have a little fun.  But let's admit it, there's more to Lent than a square fish sandwich.  The Prophet Isaiah saw a day when people like you and me would reach out of our own selves to share love, or coats, or time, or even food like square fish on a bun with our neighbor.  Let's do this thing people; let's make this Lent about sharing the Good News, and all that people need to feel the love of God in their midst!  Thanks to all who participated in the GregBlog today!


  1. I read more folks complain they don't like seafood so what will they eat in Lent - thus missing the point. Our family rarely eats fish - there's cheese pizza, lentil rice casserole, taco lentils, mac & cheese, grilled cheese and tomato soup, taco soup (without the meat)

  2. With regards to the point: Check out the link above on St. Basil's Homily on Fasting! Wow you guys like lentils... Iron stomachs! :)

  3. Because the Filet o' Fish has about the same amount of flavour as a communion wafer so it reminds of Jesus?

    ... too sacrilegious?

  4. I had my first square fish along with a Shamrock Shake, just after getting my ashes. I figured that all the calories that I "missed" during the fasting part needed to replenished. Ok.... maybe not in 5 minutes.
