Wednesday, April 7, 2010

50 Ways to Get Through Easter... Activity!

“Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce the news to his disciples.” (Matthew 28: 8-15)

A couple of years ago, I spent a lot of time with a thesaurus exploring the different words for “Easter”, or “Life”, or words to that effect, thinking that we could take a word each day of the Easter Season and apply it to this life we have, right here, right now! I’ll print the list below, and each day over the next month and a half, we’ll take a word and celebrate its meaning and its potential in our lives!

Today’s word: Activity

It may seem basic, but the Gospel quote above shows that as soon as the women found the empty tomb, and realized all that Jesus had promised had come to pass... They “ran to announce the news to his disciples.” They instantly shared what they had witnessed. So to are we called to share that witness by remaining ACTIVE in our faith! Keep going to Church, and keep sharing the message, and keep on staying involved in your faith community!

50 Ways to Get Through Easter!

  1. Easter Sunday: Simply Celebrate that HE IS RISEN!
  2. Activity: Be active in your faith! Go to church!
  3. Animation: Without this, its just a picture!
  4. Awakening: WAKE UP!
  5. Being: Don’t try to BE anything except yourself!
  6. Birth: A new part of ourselves has to take root!
  7. Bloom: Show off a little!
  8. Body: We are One Body in Christ, and We Do Not Stand Alone!
  9. Breath: “Ruah” - You are alive with the breath of God!
  10. Brio: Bring energy and determination to your faith!
  11. Carpe Diem: Seize the Day!
  12. Church: We All Stand on the Rock!
  13. Confirmation: The Coming of the Holy Spirit!
  14. Consciousness: How do we experience our faith?
  15. Continuance: KEEP GOING... “Don’t Give Up, You Still Have Us!” (p.g.)
  16. Creation: What was your “beginning”?
  17. Dedication: “A prophet to the nations I dedicated you!”
  18. Discipleship: “Make disciples of all nations!”
  19. élan: Use “a force” within!
  20. élan Vital: THE “vital force” is the Spirit!
  21. Endurance: Run the “good race’!
  22. Energy: Let the energy “light the lamp” to show the world!
  23. Enthusiasm: Enjoy the ride, and go for broke!
  24. Essence: What is at the “core” of your relationship with Christ?
  25. Excitement: What excites you about LIFE?
  26. Existence: To exist is to BE...
  27. Flesh: BE (or not to be) is to live (or die)!
  28. Growth: What ways do we as a society need to grow?
  29. Heart: Let the world move your heart!
  30. High Spirits: Be positive!
  31. Impulse: Act on your gut... Doing the right thing!
  32. Individual: How do you catch a “unique” rabbit? You “nique” up on him!
  33. Lifeblood: He gave his, so we could BE Him for the world!
  34. Liveliness: As we are Him for the world, we share LIFE!
  35. Mission: Share the Word!
  36. Mortal: There’s only so much time, so LIVE!
  37. Oomph: Provide that “oomph” in the way you share your life!
  38. Person: The “I” must move to the “WE”.
  39. Presence: Jesus is the Real Deal!
  40. Pulsating: Like blood through the veins, how’s the faith in your life?
  41. Soul: Where is that thing anyway? CLEAN UNDERWEAR
  42. Sparkle: Be contagious!
  43. Spirit: Its not one third of the Trinity for nothing!
  44. Survival: Fall back when you need to, and let “US” do the driving.
  45. Verve: Verve is the verb that turns faith into action!
  46. Vigor: Vigor is the trigger that makes faith bigger!
  47. Vitality: Its the vital nature of it all!
  48. Zest: Its not just a soap anymore!
  49. Zing: You can’t do this thing, if you ain’t got that zing!
  50. May 23, 2010 - PENTECOST SUNDAY...

Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of your faithful!

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